The Memoir Prize For Books!
Now, in its 5th year, the Memoir Prize awards Memoir and Creative Nonfiction book length works of exceptional merit in the categories of traditional, self-publi...
Now, in its 5th year, the Memoir Prize awards Memoir and Creative Nonfiction book length works of exceptional merit in the categories of traditional, self-publi...
Join our Editor-in-Chief Mary McBeth on Friday, June 17th for a 1-hour talk at The National Association of Memoir Writers. The talk is free for Memoir Magazine ...
Now Open for Submissions: Black Memoirs Matter. The Anthology.
With over 300 entries this year and a pool that seems to get stronger all the time, it was a tough job to pick just one winner in each category. We have been ex...
Teach for Memoir Magazine! At Memoir University, we are committed to providing both beginning and advanced writers with the tools to share their stories. We und...
September 15 – October 20th, 2022 Coming Again Spring 2023 Thursdays, 7:30 to 9 PM Eastern Throughout the ages, humans have used stories to encode and de...
This life-altering 6-week workshop is for writers of all levels and is open to all women, men, and non-binary individuals.
2021 Grand Prize Winner: Relief by Execution: A Visit to Mauthausen, by Gint Aras. Homebound Publications, Little Bound Books, October 2019. 94 pages. —&...
Announcing The 2019 #MeToo Essay Award Winners! The 1st and 2nd Place essays can be read by clicking on the links below.
The #MeToo Nonfiction Essay Contest is back! What’s more, our judge is that champion of #MeToo memoir writers, Tracy Strauss! Deadline for Submissions is April ...
Memoir Magazine is proud to announce our first #Pushcart Prize nominations! Congratulations to Michele Gutierrez @michelegutz,@samuelautman, Sara J. Sutler-Cohe...
Congratulations to everyone who submitted to the 2018 Memoir Magazine #Guns and People Essay contest! We thank those who have submitted their personal stories ...
[su_note]A big shout out to everyone who has had the courage to write and submit their recovery story. The Finalists have been selected and will be announced on...
[su_expand more_text=”Show more of the Letter From The Editor” less_text=”Show less of the Letter From The Editor” height=”140R...
*Featured Image: “Stop The Violence- Gun” By Robert Francois #Guns and People Non Fiction Essay Contest! [su_box title=”STAY TUNED:” box...
As part of our ongoing commitment to nurturing the voices of marginalized groups and writers of color, Memoir Magazine is sponsoring a free online memoir class ...
We love Truth and we are damned serious. To prove it, we are launching our first ever “#MeToo Trigger Warning Non-Fiction Essay Contest!” Closed for submi...
“To look at what it means to exist and be human—and who we are as species—we must look at history.” –Tell it Slant, Brenda Miller and Suzanne Paola Memoir...