“To look at what it means to exist and be human—and who we are as species—we must look at history.” –Tell it Slant, Brenda Miller and Suzanne Paola
Memoir magazine’s mission is to be a witness to both factual and emotional truths that resonate with the human heart by supporting writers and artists in sharing their stories—whether personal, social or political– through publication, education, and advocacy.
Our goal is to cultivate our collective and individual capacity to recognize truth, while creating greater diversity and empathy, by flooding the world with stories that need to be told.
Available online at www.MemoirMag.com
**Memoir Magazine is a black-owned & woman-owned publication of
Memoir Magazine, LLC,
Durham, North Carolina.
Memoir Magazine is published (mostly) weekly online throughout the year.
Drip Editions™: In this Age of Content, our bookshelves (and mailboxes) are often overwhelmed with great magazines competing for our increasingly limited time and attention. That’s why we created the Drip Edition™, a low-pressure way for you to enjoy and contemplate each issue. By joining our mailing list you will receive our (mostly weekly) Drip Edition (an essay or so) in your inbox. At the end of year one you will have read the entire Volume 1, Issue 1 (and perhaps a couple of Special Editions) of Memoir Magazine! Yay for you!
Memoir Magazine is a proud member of the following fine literary organizations:
The Community of Literary Magazines and Presses
The North Carolina Writers Network
Association of Writers & Writing Programs

Special thanks to Chelsey Clammer, Jessica Parker, Samuel Autman.